According to research, despise our previous belief that intelligent
quantity is stuck at some point, actually it can be developed. There are 10
ideas we can fit into our daily routine that can improve our mental horsepower
and increase our intelligent quantity. It is not a list that will use a lot of
time and energy, so worth to try.
- Be smarter about your online time
There are many things we can do while online surfing, not
only checking the social media or seeing cute animal pics, but get some
nourishing resources such as from online learning courses, intriguing TED talks
or vocabulary-building tools.
- Write down what you learn
Spend a few minutes each day to write again what you have
learned. You do not need to write so long, but reflect in writing is surely can
boost your brainpower. A yoga teacher, Claudia Azula Altucher suggest to write
400 words a day on things that you learned.
- Make a ‘did’ list
Intelligence also comes from happiness and confidence.
Rather than we make a list of the things that we have yet to do, listing the
things you have already accomplished is a big boost for your intelligence. Famed
VC Marc Andreessen and Azula Altucher recommend this I DID list.
- Get out the Scrabble board
Play the board games and puzzles also can boost our brain
power. There are many games nowadays such as Scrabble, bridge, chess, Go,
Battleship, Connect 4 that can make our brain work out.
- Have smart friends
Saurabh Shah, account manager at Symphony Teleca writes that
your IQ is the average of five closest people you hang out with. Hanging out
with people who are clever than you is the fastest way to learn. But remember
that you need to realize there are many things that you need to learn from
- Read a lot
Reading is the most essential part of getting smarter. We can
vary our readings such as select fiction and nonfiction books, or picking up a
daily newspaper. However the most important is the quantity, read a lot.
- Explain it to others
Albert Einstein – “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t
understand it well enough.”
We can assure what we think we have learned is really we
have learned by teaching it to others. By then, the information is truly stuck
in our memory and can’t be forgotten easily. It is easier to learn new things
rather than retain it in our memory, so teach it to others.
- Do random new things
Do not hesitate to learn new things, because we never know
that something don’t seem immediately useful or productive in the meantime will
be useful in the future.
- Learn a new language
It doesn’t to be a fluent learning but still worth to try if
you want to learn new things.
- Take some downtime
Azula Altucher recommends giving yourself a time for your
brain to process what it has learned.
Author’s Opinion
You don’t have to do all the things on the list. Mark some
points that you like and fit on your daily schedule. Better to do small things
but consistent, rather than do the big but get bored easily then stop.
Stillman, J. (2014) 10 Small Things You Can Do Every Day to
Get Smarter. Available at:
(Accessed: 28 December 2016).
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